Reflection: 3rd Grading

    Education really found a way for students to continue learning. As we continue to fight against the coronavirus pandemic, several institutions were placed at a standstill. And education was halted, but it never stopped. Another grading ended means another learning to be opened. This quarter has been challenging but less hard than when we were starting modular learning.


   As the third grading continues our blogging also keeps up. Blogging helps us learn more in terms of mental and critical thinking. It enhances our fluency in making statements and essays which I think is very helpful as preparation for the next school years. Also, we've learned about community-based research and was a task to do research in our community. It was fun to create this kind of project for I learned more about my community. This served as a review or re-learning of the amazing things that existed in our community. The truth is we had challenges in doing the different tasks from differing subjects but with the guidance of our understanding teachers, we are able to complete all these tasks and projects.

    Although this pandemic challenges us, we survived. Let’s all follow the protocol and get through this together. New methods of teaching were used as more accessible tools of education for students. Covid-19 may have given us hardships but along this, we became more adaptive. 


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