Lenten Season: To Renew Our Commitment To God

    Lenten Season is a special season where people commemorate the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ. During Lenten season, people usually do praying, fasting, and alms-giving. We should take time and effort to review our life and have a connection with God. As this may help us to repent and lead us to real confession. And to attain this we have to take time to meditate deeply upon His life and teachings.

    In this season, people keep themselves from doing what they usually do or routines. It is usually observed during Sunday because people go to Church and have time for God. It is a rest day for us as we forget all the demands of our work and have much time and peaceful period with our own families and in ourselves. There are a lot of happenings that can be done to observe lent. But it is still important to know its real essence and importance in our lives and faith as Catholics. No matter what struggles and hardships in life, we must let ourselves and others be renewed by God. In this season, we must observe it in a way not too extravagant, a simple yet meaningful one. We must know how to have humility and the true meaning of forgiveness. And to be ready and aware of our next encounter with Jesus Christ. 

    Lenten Season is not only a season for showing Christ’s sufferings such as being nailed in the Cross but a season of renewal and focus on our relationship with God. It lets us observe changes in our lives as Catholics. No matter what explanations are provided to give a concrete idea of Lent, it still centers on our Lord and for all the sacrifices that He has done to save us. Let us meditate on the great act of saving, of our Lord through His life and sacrifice.


Image retrieved from Lenten Season image.

Image retrieved from https://i.pinimg.com/736x/61/e5/21/61e5212acc335f24d7f0e9c9f337b9a5--catholic-lent-lenten-season.jpg



  1. Nice blog about lent. Stay safe!

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