Every Juana Fights!

        Women played a major role in history despite being faced with conflicting concerns about their position in society. Imagining a life without a woman is quite hard-hitting. The fact that all the great people of the world are born from the womb of a woman and it is a woman from whom those great people have taken their initial teachings. That is the reason we have always given due respect to women in their life and celebrate National Women's Month.

       This 2021 National Women's Month's themed Juana Laban sa Pandemya: Kaya! is a campaign given to the Juana's or the women who fulfill different roles during the COVID-19 pandemic. "The 2021 National Women’s Month Celebration serves as a tribute, a platform, and a call to action that highlights the extraordinary roles of ordinary Juanas in the society as trailblazers and harbingers of change." This celebration is a full force of the nation in appreciating women, the Juanas, and their contributions to our society as well as support programs that address women's issues and promote their welfare amidst the pandemic. Many women throughout history have established many stories and paved the way to empower others. From its roots in different movements in the 1900s. The first International Women’s Day celebrated on 19 March 1991 participated by millions of men and women, and up to now where women have battled many challenges and gained their rights and stronghold into this society.

        National Women's Month is a celebration and an appreciation of all the contributions of women. Whether it's economic, political, and social achievements, and now,  their contribution to the battle of COVID-19. As a female, I am I appreciate all the contributions of the Juana's and is honored to become a woman. Women made speeches, signed petitions, and argued over and over again that women, like men, deserved all of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Women are unstoppable, and now every Juana's lead and thrive in our fight against the pandemic.


Image retrieved from https://pcw.gov.ph/assets/files/2021/03/NWMC-1093x437-Updated-1024x409.jpg






  1. We women can do anything! Great blog! Stay safe!

  2. What an informative and uplifting blog! I can't disagree. Great work!


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