Halfway to Complete

            We are halfway full and not half empty on the knowledge and learning we access this school year. This global health issue has put a challenge to us. Changes from here to there and education are not an exemption. Our learning modality which is distance learning, far from what we have accustomed to, has put a great challenge to both teachers and students. Our patience, resilience, and drive to continue learning are tested. But look at the bright side, the learning, education, is still going on. This grading has embedded another great experience and improvement for me not only in learning but as a person.

            Like last quarter, blogging is continuous. As a first-timer in this kind of platform, it was a little bit complicated for me as I have no experience in blogging. But as it goes on, this improves my mental and social skills and helps me gain my confidence. And in this quarter I’ve also learned about HTML. From using notepad and its basics. It was fun but also an adventure. As a beginner, this tested my analysis and also patience, especially in using different tags. And up to now, I sometimes encounter difficulties in accomplishing the given tasks. But with having the patience to further analyze the needed tags I was able to solve my problems and also with the help of our teachers and friends who guides me in times of difficulties, which I am thankful for.

           Time flies so fast that it feel like the first day of the class was just yesterday. We are welcoming the third grading, which means two gradings next to graduation. I may not be the best but surely survive to the next quarter. I will not promise, for I don’t know what the future holds but continue to learn and achieve at my own pace.


Image retrieved from https://media.idownloadblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/View-HTML.jpg

Image retrieved from https://cambridgewords.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/glass-half-full.jpg?w=640

Image retrieved from https://i.pinimg.com/236x/44/cc/e4/44cce4c7190eb8945a4a0dd5958b18e1.jpg


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