Bigueño's, Let's Celebrate!

Vigan city celebrates its rich heritage through different festivals set at different times of the year. These festivals serve to preserve the tradition of Vigan city. These festivals express the vibrant lifestyle that Bigueño exemplify every day. With its colorful and grandiose, who wouldn't be excited to witness these festivities, presented with effort, hard work, and love.

  Every 22nd day of January, the Bigueños marks its calendar to celebrate its cityhood, in conjunction with the Longganisa fest. In late January, Vigan city celebrates its first week-long festival, the Longganisa Festival. The festival consists of several events including the longganisa cook fest, carabao painting, food fairs, exhibits, and a lot more. And among these amazing activities, the Longganisa Festival highlights its street dancing competition and parades which includes several group dance on the streets of Vigan with a plate of longganisa on their hands while exclaiming the name of their patron saint. On the 25th of January, the city of Vigan celebrates its festival, at the same time as the feast of St. Paul the apostle, their patron. Although we are unable to experience and witness these activities like last year’s festival, the City government of Vigan ensures the best for Bigueño to have activities that prevent people from crowding but to experience a quality of life through these hard times. On the 25th day of January, Vigan city sponsored a Misa Concelebrada at the Conversion of St. Paul Cathedral. And this year activities are celebrated virtually as the mass gathering is still prohibited.

    Many things have changed including how we celebrate our Cityhood and City Fiesta. But some things may change, the Bigueño spirit never wavers. One day we will not realize that there are no more face masks on our faces and implemented lockdowns that will prevent us from having a celebration. Let’s hope that the City of Vigan and the Philippines to bounce back from this nightmare.


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Image retrieved from

Image retrieved from

Festivals of Vigan City Which are Worth Going to, retrieved from


  1. I also hope that we can celebrate this festival more happy and lively than this year. Nice blog!!

  2. I agree that even if the way we celebrate our festivals may be different from usual, the spirit of Bigueño will never change. I like that you included the normal modes of celebrating and how they changed because of the pandemic. Let's just indeed hope that this pandemic will end and celebrate our festivals habitually. Keep safe and have a nice day!

  3. Hi Angelica. I like how you included in your blog the usual way of celebrating these festivals and how they changed now due to our sudden situation. Like you, I am also hoping for the next years, we will be able to celebrate these such occasions happily without fear and worries. Thank you for sharing your ideas and thoughts. Have a nice day!

  4. As you stated the usual or the traditional way of celebrating the cityhood of vigan, it makes me miss it as well as sad because we can't do all of that anymore. I am sure we will overcome this obstacle or this nightmare as you said. Great job!

  5. I like the flow of words and sentences in the blog. Looking forward to seeing more!


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