A Mirror of Learning

                I can say that I have a few pieces of knowledge about the computer and how it works since we have a computer class or the ICT started in grade 7. But never did I have the knowledge about the internet and how it works. I thought that maybe I search and use the internet and that’s it, but I never had the knowledge on what to call this and that, how do and can we search, that there is a web browser and server involve. In this grading, my learning about the internet is starting to grow. Starting from the history of the internet to the fundamentals. In addition, we also have blogged. Never did I thought that there will be bogging in our class. I am shy of everything, even just by posting something online that many will see what I posted, and to the fact that it’s my first time doing a blog. At first, I was so nervous since it’s my first time, there are many what if’s inside my mind. What if they will not like it, but after posting I realized it’s not about what people will think but what is important is that you let out what you can’t say directly.

            One of my problems is the internet connection. In blogging, we need to use Wi-Fi to have access to it. And we don’t have a Wi-Fi connection. So what I use was a prepaid load but another problem was that the internet connection is poor. Sometimes I also had difficulties in answering the tasks, because some tasks that needed to be answered are not on the modules so I need to search them since I don’t know the answer. Aside from that, I don’t have any problems in school, maybe some were hard and not easy to understand for me but I understand that we are all stuck in this situation.

                One of the things I do if I find my tasks hard is searching online. Because in searching online I will have more knowledge about it. For example, was the problem-solving in math and also in basic electronics. Since almost all of the information is found online it is easier. But sometimes the internet connection is poor, so what I do is set the time where the internet connection is fast or just fine for searching. And for the tasks, what I usually do is have a planner or a checklist, because it is more convenient for me. Especially if there are a lot of things inside my mind, I can easily track what I have already accomplished and needed to accomplish.

               Moving on, I will not let these difficulties in achieving my dreams. I know that my problems are not the hardest and most difficult in the world. These difficulties will help us mold for the betterness. I believe that these problems and reflections will also help me in the next grading of this school year. What I’ll do is to be positive that our land will heal and we will be back with our own lives.





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