Happy New Year, Happy Same Me!

Another year restarts, another blank page to write, but the same me to start. At this start, we need to move on from what's gone, appreciate what remains and be ready for what's coming next. Time passes by very fast, that it feels like last year was just yesterday. Time is so silent and it never stops. We had gone through many hardships and trials last year, in which we have been tried and tested. But this new year allowed us to revive and renew ourselves into the same but a better person.   

This year we close the door of the past and open another door full of opportunities. New Year’s an ending with a start for new beginnings. I believe before a year ends, it is the time for us to set goals and resolutions for the next years of an unknown journey. This year I promised myself to improve myself. I know that there are a lot of things that I missed last year. But this year I promised to be open and be brave to try and explore any open opportunities. I opted to stop being complicated and start a simpler life. Because thinking simply makes our life easier than having a complicated mind but making bigger and complicated problems. I want myself to be smart in making choices. To stop all the unnecessary things and equip me with the productive use of time. I want this year to be positive and lessen the bad moods. To shun all negatives of the past and start a new journey with firm determination, faith, and confidence in attaining my goals. And to stay as I am but conquer my bad habits and start new but good ones. Also, to be happy and be contented with the life I have. And last is to be grateful for the new chance to grow that God has given me: A new year. It may be a new year, but it never meant to change yourself to a new one but improve with a fresh start. 

   My goals are not just to achieve for this year but a treasure that I can carry and continue in the next years. A new year offers a new fresh start. It may be a bumpy ride last year and there is no certainty in the unknown future, I'll still do my best in achieving my goals for I know I will have no regret. 


Celebrate endings - for they precede new beginnings, retrieved from https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/594615957032340834/.

What You Do Today Can Improve Your Tommorows, retrieved from https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/436497388859166644/.


  1. Hi! Keep up your good attitude and let go of the bad. Be happy, be unique, and be you!

  2. I love how you written your first blog for this year, Maymay! Continue growing and improving despite of the trials that you may face this year. Just remember not to be yourself but to be the better version of yourself instead. Happy new year!

  3. Open as many doors of opportunities as you can but don’t forget to take calculated risks. When there are bumps in the road or small detours in your journey, stop breaking yourself down. Have a nice day, Angelica!

  4. I can see that you are a brave person by your selection of words to describe a new year. Stay and cool and attractive, Angelica!

  5. Hi Angelica! Keep up your beautiful and good attitudes. Just remember to be you all the time. Nice work, Godbless!


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