It's in Your Hands

It’s undeniable, It isn’t invisible, and is especially isn’t far off in the future. Climate change is here, have started many years ago, and is one of the most important challenges of humankind.

The earth’s climate is changing and will have a great impact on people, ecosystems, and energy use. Climate is the usual weather of a place. It can be different for different seasons. Climate change is a change in the usual weather found in a place. This could be a change in how much rain a place usually gets in a year. Or it could be a change in a place's usual temperature for a month or season. Climate change is also a change in Earth's climate. This could be a change in Earth's usual temperature. Or it could be a change in where rain and snow usually fall on Earth. (NASA)

Awareness of the disturbing climate change is very important. While the COVID-19 pandemic caused our lives with tremendous difficulties and hardships, it has also revealed the best in us. We’ve innovated and also collaborated. We have difficulties but have gained solutions for example in education. We used online education to continue our children and learner's growth. So as climate change, the ability to adapt, thinking of solutions to reduce carbon emissions, will be brought to an end to preserve the world for our future generations. As a student, I can say education has a big part and is essential to the global response to climate change. Having the right education in addressing it will help us have this knowledge to help for preserving our home. Education is not only for our future careers, jobs and gaining positions and money, but it is about teaching young generations to understand and have a reflection to the physical and social world so that they will become citizens with the ability to think critically, participate in decision-making and take proper actions. This requires coordination, commitment, courage and not cowardice at the end, drive and determination to work hard, patience in making any mistakes or having to deal with problems on your journey to success, and support each other.

Education experts can develop teaching methods. It can be included in teacher training so that teachers acquire the right knowledge for climate change education. It is also important if climate change will be widely discussed in public spheres. But what would quality education on climate change be like? Climate change can be a challenging topic for teachers to address with their students. Sometimes when we think, they are still learning, what they could possibly contribute to this big problem? Having an education on climate change is in science subjects, but it is also about proper behavior, manners, and action. It is about the environment and economy, but also about equality and social organization. Students will promote future citizenship that is responsible for social and environmental awareness on global issues. This will be a cycle and is easier to do for future generations.

Every day we make choices. But this choice must raise our awareness of climate and environmental protection. It's not yet too late yet it's running late. The pandemic serves as a wake-up call. And climate change is clear - from flash floods, melting of ice, extreme changes in temperature, and even has a critical impact on agricultural production. These are terrifying consequences of human acts. When we do not act, nature will. Now is the time to work together to build a better world. Our little voices make big difference to the future sustainability of the economy and the protection of natural resources. Let's unite as one and act as one to create a green environment. Let's save mother earth.


A Modern Approach Combating Climate,, accessed on December 5, 2020.

Weather, Global warming and Climate ChangeNASA, retrieved from, accessed on December 5, 2020.

How can education contribute to awareness and action on climate change? retrieved from, accessed on December 5, 2020.

Climate change infographics, retrieved from, accessed on December 5,2020

Global warming - Image, uploaded by Wendy Maura - Pinterest, retrieved from


  1. Hi Angelica! I agree that education plays a huge role in fighting this global problem and that we all should work together to fix this. Nice work and God bless!

  2. It is indeed a fact that education can be a solution to this global issue. I totally agree with you. I love how you managed to give me more knowledge on what climate change really is. Overall, it is a very well written blog. All the best, have a great day.


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