One Goal, One Dream to a More Resilient Philippines

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” One of the quotes I like by Napoleon Hill. Our minds can produce many great things. I say I dream as my mind can imagine.

            Staring at my reflection, there are two faces. I closed my eyes as a blinding light covered me. It’s a place that is entirely ruined. Empty mountains, ripped roofs, landslides that blocked roads. Massive loss of lives and properties were everywhere. Fear is in the faces of people. Then a sudden wind passed through me and carried me to another situation. It’s the same place but now, people were smiling, with no traces of fear, sadness, and trauma of the past tragedy. People are more united and helping each other. Where peace is everywhere and evil is nowhere. Then I conclude, this is a place where it can stand on its own. A place like Narra that grow big sheds luck and live forever. Where people can withstand pain. Just like bamboo that left standing in aftermath of a storm. I opened my eyes because I think I was over dreamed. As I looked back, I saw another face. It was the same place, however, with different people. My eyes cannot be closed as it welcomed the ghosts of life. The same tragedy, but people are consumed by darkness. Greed wanting to own everything. Selfishness, hatred, evilness is everywhere as red covers everything.

            A sudden sound brings me back to the world of reality, I was frightened but I smiled, realizing it’s only a dream. A dream to choose reality. This is where I live, where we live, the reality. In this reality, we have our own chosen paths judgments where we can have our goal. I realized there is no permanent in this world. And in this world, people are the reality. We, Filipinos make a reality. How? We, Filipinos are resilient. We survive in the harshest condition. Typhoon, earthquake, and today’s pandemic, we still rise and stand up. We have great faith. We believe in tomorrow’s promise.  We do our best to cope with all these adversities of life. We still stand firmly and always hoping for a brighter future. We Filipinos have “bayanihans” to help our “kababayans” who are helpless and in need. We have little in our pockets yet we choose to share what we have because no matter how small we have in our pocket but to those in need it’s a big help for them.  No matter how many times we fall, no matter how many times we have misfortunes, we still rise and hope, for these misfortunes serves as our great lessons and inspirations. That is our goal to achieve a more resilient Philippines. We fight and rise as one.

They say our dreams will not come true, but there is a saying, “if you want it badly, you will find a way”. I realized how powerful minds are. It serves as our reigns to conceive and believe to achieve our dreams. But what I learned is that to dream is to have a goal. Whatever our minds can produce but there is no goal to achieve, then our imagination, our dreams are useless. My dream is to have a goal where all of us choose love, to stand as one to have a more resilient Philippines.



Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.qoute- Accessed November 5, 2020. Accessed November 5, 2020.


  1. I wish it was just a dream but it's not. We must face the harsh reality. We shoudn't live with it, we should change it. Change, not just for ourselves but for the world.


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