A Letter from a Farmer's Girl

Dear Mr. President, 

    Hello Mr. President! I hope you're fine upon reading my letter regarding my observation on the problems of small farmers in our locality. Please, Mr. President, give appropriate financial assistance to farmers who are in need so that they can start farm businesses. Also, please give technical proper training or education in using modern technologies in farming. As of now, almost all farmers in our locality are still using traditional farming. In addition, please give action to the trading system problem of farmers' products especially rice. The farm-gate price of rice is very cheap, while in the market it is very expensive. Therefore only business traders gain profit. How can farmers get back their expenses on the expensive fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, and even farm laborers? How can they even provide their family day-to-day expenses and their children's education especially now that internet is in demand for their online classes? 

    Mr. President, I hope for your considerable actions regarding these problems of small farmers. Thank you and Mabuhay! 

Sincerely Yours, 

Angelica Mae Alconcel




Stock Photos 2003. A farmer works to transplant rice. Part image of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). Taken July 2, 2003. Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/ricephotos/368468662/. Accessed October 20, 2020 


  1. This is very interesting topic. I also feel what you feel because I also have family members that are farmers. Very straight to the point. I love it!

  2. Without farmers, there will be a shortage of food. Your letter to the president is different from the others. I admire your concerns about the farmers and how you value them. I hope the president will notice this letter of yours.

  3. Your letter to the president is a power! I love the way that you extend how you value and admire their sacrifices just for us to provide something to eat everyday. You are a voice, proud to yell that "Farmers are magnificent!".

  4. farmers are the one who is supplying our food therefor they deserve better. This letter made me realize that we are all human we have family and love ones, in your letter it shows your concerns and admiration to their sacrifices. Nice letter keep it up.

  5. Very well said, Angelica! Farmers do really deserve better. May you continue to be brave especially in voicing out your opinions.


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